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Willkommen zur deutschen Version von WordPress. Dies ist der erste Beitrag. Du kannst ihn bearbeiten oder löschen. Und dann starte mit dem Schreiben!
You can insert image into post and aligned it center, left or right with or without caption.
You can insert a Gallery to the post.
This post should display a featured image.
You can easily just paste the URL to the YouTube or Vimeo and it will be automatically embedded into the post, cool!
This content is before the more tag.
Right after this sentence should be a “continue reading” button of some sort.
Here below comes the pagination inside the single entry. By clicking the pagination (you have to be in the single post) you can move around the pages in the single post. Wow!
Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet.
This is a sticky post!!! Make sure it sticks!
There are a few things to verify:
class if you are using the post_class() function to generate your post classes, which is a best practice.This should then split into other pages with layout, images, HTML tags, and other things.
Here’s a post with some comments. You can see how the comments perform in the Hairpress WordPress theme.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque, nostrum, doloribus, veniam, labore ipsa voluptas voluptates fugit sunt soluta at assumenda asperiores veritatis officia dolore vitae aspernatur fuga in nam illo pariatur eos! Est, aut omnis eum necessitatibus quos placeat corporis eius voluptate minima. Possimus, sunt, temporibus voluptate inventore veritatis quas. Dignissimos, fuga, ad libero id ducimus quod vel sint ab quos labore sit consectetur maxime dolores atque blanditiis! Minima.
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